Today as I remember you I thought I'd share some of your many faces!
Classic Taunya looks!

I can't believe this year marks 10 years that you have been gone!
I never even knew what Leukemia was before you got sick and by the time we had the transplant I felt like I could be a nurse. Ok except for the whole fear of needles thing that is...
Because of you I am always aware how precious life is and I cherish it more and try to make every moment count!
Being 1 of your care givers I learned what courage and faith you had. I watched you endure things that I said to myself I could never do that.

Only you could watch a horror movie that took place in a hospital and be in a hospital!
I still have your voice mails you left me that last month. I taped them and I play them just so I can hear your voice.
I read your journals and I realized I need to make sure I didn't just write when I was feeling down but I needed to write when life was good also!
We sometimes forget how little your kids were when you died. 4,3 & 2.
We would listen to your song and cry. We would go to your grave and put flowers on it and talk about you. Like I did today!
I hope you know I love you amd miss you!
Now we are just 10 yrs closer to that sweet reunion!