It was a little late this year but we did manage to carve pumpkins before Halloween!
Sierra and Doug went Freehand with their designs and I found a picture in the book I liked and went with that! Doug doing brain surgery on his soon to be FACE!
So it only took us 300 pictures and several locations to find the "perfect" Senior photo. Here are some of the Favorites!!!
Sierra drove us over to an over view area and we took some pictures in front of the mountains but they were to far away and the wind was to gusty! While the pictures were good, her hair was all over the place.
Then we went to a lake area and took some really nice pictures! This weird little guy in yellow kept showing up... We finally let him have a picture taken with Sierra! More to come....
Time out for Women was AMAZING!!! Thanks to the generosity of others Sierra and I were able to attend both days together it was a life enriching experience!