Saturday, May 31, 2008

8 Random things about ME!!!

Even if some of them prefer to not include me in their lives as often as I would like!
I prefer my husband and my daughter to anyone else's company !! We usually plan all our activities to include the 3 of us!!
This one has a 2nd part to it My FAITH IS IMPORTANT TO ME BECAUSE IT TIES ME TO MY FAMILY!!! I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints a "Mormon" for those who know our religion as such and we are very much Christians. CHRIST is the Center of all our beliefs and testimony!! There is Happiness and Joy and Peace in knowing who I am, what the plan is for me and where I will go when it is my time to die!
2. I LOVE TO READ!!! It has to be interesting or exciting to keep my interest but I love to take myself to another place and time, sometimes other worlds, other forms of life... That us why I am a HUGE STEPHENIE MEYER FAN!! I love her Series TWILIGHT!!! Vampires have always been sexy to me !! and Edward is among the sexiest!! I just finished HOST and it was amazing!! Passionate intense, hopefully epic... When Sierra did a Research Paper on the Titanic. I read 42 books trying to learn all I could about it and understand why and how it could've happened. That was her favorite assignment for me this year.

3.I HaTe EXERCISING but I LOVE to do it!! It is so hard for me to get started exercising but I enjoy it and really FEEL GOOD about it when I am through!!
I cope so much BETTER with life when I exercise! I especially enjoy walking and taking the camera and capturing life as I see it that day!

4. I just noticed one that I hadn't thought of!!! I like exclamation points! I am sure I use them to much, but my life and what I say has emphasis! This leads to I almost always sign my name Love, or With love and I mean it!
I once read an article that said while it is all well and good to write Properly.. with proper grammar and punctuation... it is best to just write! Write your feelings down, write all your jumbled thoughts down. My Mother-in-law has a saying... "Put pressure on paper" It is easier to remember if you write it down. Believe me I have lots of paper around my house with my thoughts,ideas,lists and hopes!

5. While I am quite glad not to live in the 80's anymore.
I LOVE 80's MUSIC!!!
I also like some of the artists currently, Cascada, Weezer, The Fray, Bowling for Soup, Avril Lavigne, Colbie Caillat, Ingred Michaelson,...but nothing comes close to the 80's for me!
I also must tell you while I like music. I DO NOT HAVE TO have it on 24/7 I sometimes like quiet moments to think and reflect. UNLIKE MY husband and daughter who are always listening to music. Although after almost 17 years of marriage PINK FLOYD is like the background music of my life!

6. I HATE being pressured!!! I like to have time and I am almost alway running late not because I don't have time but that I try to fill the time I have and end up cutting it too close! I have to tell you if I am late but still feel like I need a shower, I will choose to be clean and late rather than dirty and on time! LoL!!
Part 2 of this one is if we are not planning to go anywhere then I am usually in my PAJAMAS So let's go, means I have to get dressed!

7. I love to STAMP!! Stampin Up has the coolest stuff! I am compassionate service leader in my ward. It is a feast or famine. I had to do something to make it my calling mine. So I make and send thank you notes to all the people who help me! I enjoy it and they look forward to getting my little notes. I love it so much I spend more time doing it than Scrapbooking!!

8. I collect ALLIGATORS!! I started in college and I just keep adding to it! I am more choosey about what goes in to my collect since it is pretty full but I can not, not get it if it is cute and a gator. Why Alligators you might ask! They are one of the fiercest of all predators... but they are also the gentliest of all mothers. That is why! I am a Gator at heart!
I might add more pictures as I find them!! (I love pictures Tee Hee!)
My Alligator Collection

One more unique piece this is my window sill gator.

The Rules: 1. Each player starts with 8 random facts/habits about themselves.
2. People that are tagged write a blog post about their own 8 random things and post these rules.
3. At the end of your post tag 8 people and include their names. Don't forget to leave them a comment on their blog to tell them they've been tagged, and to comment back and read your blog for the whole story.

We have Baby Birds!!!

When Doug got home yesterday he saw little fuzzy heads. So he got his ladder and hung the camera over the nest and took this picture.
Earlier in the day I thought that I heard little peeping but we have lots of birds in our neighborhood so it is hard to tell.
This is the Mama bird on our neighbor's roof carefully watching Doug!
It's so cute. EVerytime Doug leaves the house he tells her he is coming out and the day she had the babies Doug kept telling her "Good Job Mommy Bird on your new babies!"
LIFE IS SO BEAUTIFUL!!! and we have a little piece of it right here.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Life is Beautiful!

This year we have a few unexpected but interesting house guests.
We have a robin who built her nest over our outside garage lights. Makes sense since it will help keep her eggs warm.

We hate that everytime we leave the house, arrive back at the house and use the garage that we cause her to fly off But it is a necessary thing when you decide to build near an active house hold.
One of the times she was off. Doug got up there and took a picture of her little eggs. She has 3 little blue eggs she is nuturing! It is really sweet. We are excited to see them hatch and hear them!

We had a nest in our tree just outside our bedroom window last year. We were sad when they left. We were also able to see them through our window and not disturb them quite different from this year.
Life is truly BEAUTIFUL!!!

Monday, May 26, 2008

What is his name? DOUG
How long did you date? 8 Months only because I was a nanny and still had that long left on my contract.
How long have you been married?
17 years this October.
Who is taller? He is
Who eats more? He does
Who is the better singer? I am. He is very talented with writing and playing music though.
Who does the laundry? I do. Part of being a domestic engineer,Homemaker, Mom and wife! But he is always willing to lend a hand.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I do always have!
Who mows the lawn? Usually our daughter. We all take a turn though.
Who cooks dinner? We take turns.
Who drives? When we are together him.
Who is more stubborn? I think I am!! He would probably agree!
Who kissed who first? I think it was very much a mutual thing!
Who asked who out? He did.
Who proposed? He did while on a trip home for my younger sister's wedding.
Who is more sensitive? I AM!!!
Who has more siblings? I do!! 1 brother, 4 sisters. He has 1 sister 2 brothers.
Who wears the pants? Depends on what is needed, in some case him and in some cases me!
It is an AMAZING thing to find someone who is everything you need and want all rolled into 1 incredible man! (and yes, sometimes he does annoy me and we do fight but that only makes us closer when we make up)!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

What Your Flip Flops Say About You

You live to have fun, and your sense of humor is downright goofy.

You are a big kid on the inside, and you have a very open heart.

You try to make every day feel like a vacation, even if you have other responsibilities.

Each day, you make a little bit of time to play and let loose.

Your ideal warm weather place: Disney World!

Play in a Day

Here is the concept. The theme was "What Really Happened A Villain's side of the story. The Wards met on a Friday night and each group picked out of a hat the name of the movie they would be depicting. Our Ward got " The Little Mermaid", others were, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, Hercules, and Beauty & the Beast. They had Friday night to brain storm and the director had that night to write a script and then from 10am to 10pm on Saturday they gathered all their props and rehearsed and practiced so that at 7pm they could perform their play for the Stake. At first my attitude was they have so much going on with the end of school and Girl's Camp certification that the Stake must be crazy...but as I got more and more involved and realized that this was a welcomed distraction from school and how much the kids enjoyed it. I humbly decided this was a good idea after all!

Throughtout the show Sierra as Chef Louie chases Sebastian trying to get some crab legs. That was a funny element of their performance as well.
"But you will taste so good with butter."
"You would not deprive me of my favorite dish, crab legs would you?"
"I must have you! You are so delicious!!"

The basis of the script is Ursula is telling the audience how Ariel needed some quick cash so she sold her voice on E-bay and Ursula won the bid and used the voice to get on the Idol show. Ariel discovers she can not tell Erik she loves him or talk to him on her new cell phone without a voice so she goes to Idol to get her voice back. Another of the performances on Idol are Ariel's Mersisters performing a water ballet. It was a big crowd pleaser!!

They did a ballet! Then they laid on their backs and there was a paper ocean in front of them folded down and they did water ballet movements with their feet in beat to the music! It was so funny!!

We got 2nd place! Our was easily the most understandable story... but the 1 that won 1st place had a duel scene with jumping and sword fighting kind of hard to beat a chorographed fight!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Sierra's Very OWN Talent Show

Last Saturday our ward had a talent show. Sierra was going to sing with a friend but the friend backed out at the last minute. Well she had already spent the week deciding on what songs they could do. So when we returned home Doug & I were treated to Sierra's very own talent show.