Even if some of them prefer to not include me in their lives as often as I would like!

I prefer my husband and my daughter to anyone else's company !! We usually plan all our activities to include the 3 of us!!

This one has a 2nd part to it My FAITH IS IMPORTANT TO ME BECAUSE IT TIES ME TO MY FAMILY!!! I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints a "Mormon" for those who know our religion as such and we are very much Christians. CHRIST is the Center of all our beliefs and testimony!! There is Happiness and Joy and Peace in knowing who I am, what the plan is for me and where I will go when it is my time to die!

2. I LOVE TO READ!!! It has to be interesting or exciting to keep my interest but I love to take myself to another place and time, sometimes other worlds, other forms of life... That us why I am a HUGE STEPHENIE MEYER FAN!! I love her Series TWILIGHT!!! Vampires have always been sexy to me !! and Edward is among the sexiest!! I just finished HOST and it was amazing!! Passionate intense, hopefully epic... When Sierra did a Research Paper on the Titanic. I read 42 books trying to learn all I could about it and understand why and how it could've happened. That was her favorite assignment for me this year.

3.I HaTe EXERCISING but I LOVE to do it!! It is so hard for me to get started exercising but I enjoy it and really FEEL GOOD about it when I am through!!
I cope so much BETTER with life when I exercise! I especially enjoy walking and taking the camera and capturing life as I see it that day!

4. I just noticed one that I hadn't thought of!!! I like exclamation points! I am sure I use them to much, but my life and what I say has emphasis! This leads to I almost always sign my name Love, or With love and I mean it!
I once read an article that said while it is all well and good to write Properly.. with proper grammar and punctuation... it is best to just write! Write your feelings down, write all your jumbled thoughts down. My Mother-in-law has a saying... "Put pressure on paper" It is easier to remember if you write it down. Believe me I have lots of paper around my house with my thoughts,ideas,lists and hopes!

5. While I am quite glad not to live in the 80's anymore.
I LOVE 80's MUSIC!!!
I also like some of the artists currently, Cascada, Weezer, The Fray, Bowling for Soup, Avril Lavigne, Colbie Caillat, Ingred Michaelson,...but nothing comes close to the 80's for me!
I also must tell you while I like music. I DO NOT HAVE TO have it on 24/7 I sometimes like quiet moments to think and reflect. UNLIKE MY husband and daughter who are always listening to music. Although after almost 17 years of marriage PINK FLOYD is like the background music of my life!

6. I HATE being pressured!!! I like to have time and I am almost alway running late not because I don't have time but that I try to fill the time I have and end up cutting it too close! I have to tell you if I am late but still feel like I need a shower, I will choose to be clean and late rather than dirty and on time! LoL!!
Part 2 of this one is if we are not planning to go anywhere then I am usually in my PAJAMAS So let's go, means I have to get dressed!
7. I love to STAMP!! Stampin Up has the coolest stuff! I am compassionate service leader in my ward. It is a feast or famine. I had to do something to make it my calling mine. So I make and send thank you notes to all the people who help me! I enjoy it and they look forward to getting my little notes. I love it so much I spend more time doing it than Scrapbooking!!

8. I collect ALLIGATORS!! I started in college and I just keep adding to it! I am more choosey about what goes in to my collect since it is pretty full but I can not, not get it if it is cute and a gator. Why Alligators you might ask! They are one of the fiercest of all predators... but they are also the gentliest of all mothers. That is why! I am a Gator at heart!

I might add more pictures as I find them!! (I love pictures Tee Hee!)
My Alligator Collection

One more unique piece this is my window sill gator.

The Rules: 1. Each player starts with 8 random facts/habits about themselves.
2. People that are tagged write a blog post about their own 8 random things and post these rules.
3. At the end of your post tag 8 people and include their names. Don't forget to leave them a comment on their blog to tell them they've been tagged, and to comment back and read your blog for the whole story.
1 comment:
You left a comment on my blog asking me if I liked Breaking Dawn. I tried to find the best place to leave my comment on your blog so hopefully you will find this. Before I answer your question I want to know if you have read the book yet. I don't want to spoil anything. Sooo....
If you haven't read the book you can read the first response. But then STOP! I won't give anything away. If you have already read the book you can continue on...
ok- so my first response is yes. I really liked it. Stephen wasn't as thrilled with it as I was but I liked how everything turned out. There were a couple of weird things that I am not sure I really liked but I am ok with. There were couple of surprises that I didn't see coming. I liked how Stephenie Meyers tied up a lot of loose ends that I didn't know if she could.
Ok you need to STOP now if you haven't read the book...
My second and real response is yes, I loved it. I didn't see Bella getting pregnant. Who knew. And then I didn't see Jacob imprinting on Renesme. I think that is a little weird. I wanted Jacob to imprint on someone and be happy but Bella's daughter? I guess it works out though and I am ok with it. I am happy that Bella and Edward got married and that Bella changed and that Edward did it. And I am happy that there was a happy ending without any of the Cullens or anyone I cared about dieing. This was the part that Stephen wasn't as thrilled about. He thought that it didn't have a very good ending, that it built up to nothing happening. But I liked that Bella "saved" everyone and that it was a happily ever after type of thing. I did liked it and would recommend it to everyone.
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