Sunday, September 14, 2008

My sister, Taunya Remembered

9/11 is the reminder for me that in just a few days Taunya has been gone 7 yrs today, Sept. 13th, 2001. I went to her grave and brought her some pretty yellow sunflowers, she loved bright colors! I also bought some crazy daisies with neon colors to add to the bunch!

I always do really well until 9/11 and then I get weepy and I do nothng else but think of her, look at all the pictures of her I have gathered. Then I play Lee Ann Womack's song, I hope you dance and I cry!

As I was attempting to put together a slide show today and I was pouring over all her pictures... She was so EXCITED about everything. about LIFE!! There are some pictures where I thought, That is a typical Taunya look, mischievous smirk, attitude, and big smile!
I thought of the "ONLY TAUNYA WOULD DO THAT" moments.. Like when she decided to move to Colorado and then to Virginia and then to Tooele,Ut then back to Colorado...remembering traveling with her on the airplane to Ut or the train to Ut or in the car to Ut.. I was blessed to have been able to spend so much time getting to know her. We both always looked for opportunities to go home to see our family!
We both loved to read and to shop! One of my fondest memories of her was when she bought me and herself and all the kids BIG canvas bags and I bought all these bright colored buttons. We were going to all make church bags. At first we were going to sew the buttons on but after sewing 1 we decided hot glue was a better, faster idea!! I still carry mine to church with me, a few buttons are gone but it reminds me of her! Plus it is handy!:)
Taunya's death made life more REAL for me more PRECIOUS than before!
I am so grateful that I know FAMILIES ARE ETERNAL!!!
Thank you Taunya I miss you!

I did make a slide show with LOTS of pictures (180) but when I tried to down load it, it was too big. So I opted to share some of my Favorite Taunya pictures with you instead!
The Primary Colors are 1, 2, 3 Red, Yellow and Blue.... we all dressed up for the Primary Parade.

Taunya's 3rd birthday.

I just loved this dress on her it really complimented her beautiful red hair!

A favorite family vacation in CA at the beach. Taunya loved building sand castles!

When I was in CA for the Summer 1981 with my Grandparents. My mom sent me this picture of the kids and our dog, Champ... I was so homesick for my famiy.

THIS IS TYPICALLY TAUNYA. When she was HAPPY she sang and she was ANIMATED and she was boisterous!

This is a typical smirk of Taunya's

and another....

My bridal shower with all my sisters.

Love my sisters!

I love this picture of them on the plane to CA! Dec 93

FUNNY picture! Doug and I had purchased a small truck and THEN found out we were pregnant. So when Sierra in her car seat and Doug and I had to go anywhere. I had to ride in the back of the truck. So when my family had a layover and we brought them home for lunch and a visit, they all had to pile in the back of our little truck. LOL

My favorite picture of her and Sierra both with BIG smiles!!

Seriously serious.

Typically Taunya the night before her wedding we went to a hobby store and bought all the stuff for her to make a veil and head piece. Check out her shirt, also typically Taunya!

Taunya was so BEAUTIFUL on her wedding day!

Taunya with my daughter and her cousin! She just glowed the whole day!

Typically wild and crazy aunt Taunya!

The last picture of all of US together! Jul 99

Speaks for itself!

I have more to share but I will save them for another time! From 2000 on they are about her fight with Cancer!


Mama Bear said...

Beautifully done! You also have some that I don't, especially the younger ones, like the Red, Yellow and Blue... I have NEVER seen that one. I went to mom and dad's and borrow to containers full of pictures. Then, I too woke up at 2am on the 13th and scanned and cropped and worked on her slideshow (Yes, she's that important to me). I will email the pictures I have to you... oh I also went to Vic's and downloaded ALL the pictures from her computer. =)
I love you too, more than words can say.

Our Crazy Family said...

This is really neat. I am glad you did this. I didn't know your sister before she was really sick. I met her once the night before our Wedding Reception In March of 2001. It is nice to see pictures of her healthy and happy. Thanks for that. I am sure you all miss your sister so much. I wish we could have had the chance to get to know her.

Melanie Draper said...

Thank you for sharing this with all of us. Jeremy has always had fond memories of Taunya. I'm sure the flowers that you bought for her were beautiful and bright, just like Taunya.