List what you were for Halloween each year of your life !!!!
Go as far back as you can!!!! Good luck!
I am working on it and it is HARD!
What are your Halloween traditions?
Well as you saw from the last post, we love to decorate for Halloween!
Then a few days before Halloween we get together with friends and carve pumpkins!
We always take pictures of our pumpkins! With the lights on and then all lit up with the lights off!
How do you usually spend Halloween?
We usually go to Trunk or Treat. We have a fall dinner with a chili and cinnamon bun cook off and then the adults go out to their cars and hand out candy as the kids parade around the parking lot! So many people just do this in stead of trick or teating any more. We ONLY had 3 people trick or treat our house last year.
Please also SHARE any photos you have!
Most of my childhood is on slides. I am going to have to call on my Mom to help me with this one. Maybe by Halloween I will have the TAG done.
I can't wait to see what you come up with.
Until then Here are the Costumes I have been since Sierra started school 99-current
1999 Forest Nymph- Cheap costume. I had fake flowers in the house. So I bought a vine and put flowers all over it and wore a green toga sheet!

2000 Steve Irwin Crocodile Hunter-I had lots of stuffed Crocodiles! Quick and easy and last minute!

2001 Witch- with green hair with green and black striped tights and a cool hat!

2002 Gypsy- I had the coolest shoes that year! I just wore all my silver clothes and my jewelry!

2003 Velma from Scooby Doo!-The sweater I found was see through so I had to wear a white shirt underneath it and also because it was itchy!!

2004 Disco Diva- I already had the gold shirt and fake leather skirt!

2005 COMFORTABLE costume- Doug and I found Peanuts tee shirts and then he made us matching pumpkin pants so that is how we went that year COMFORTABLY!

2006 Leopard- I bought some leopard material and made my ears out of a pair of cat ears on a headband, I just hand sewed the leopard to the back and I also made a tail with wire in it so I could curl it! I already had the coat!

2007 Fairy- I used flowers in my hair a green dress I got at good will and I bought some cheap wings!

This year I will be a Hippie!
Cute costumes Wendy. You are pretty creative making costumes out of what you already have.
I love all the costumes....halloween is such a fun time!! Anyway, about the colored words...when your in your 'create a post' there's a little icon along the top (i think it might be a T maybe??). Just highlight the word you want to change color and click on that icon and choose your color. Hope that helps!!
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