Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Never Forgotten

So for the World 9/11 marks the day the world was attacked and the twin towers fell because of terrorism!
For me 9/11 reminds me that in 2 days 8 years ago my little sister Taunya died from her battle with Luekemia due to complications cause by pneumonia.

Because of my understanding and faith I have peace with her leaving this world to early! I know she is busy helping serve the Lord.

Sunday Sept 13th I was busy with a visiting teaching confernce and in a moment of viewing my ward sisters in a lovely dvd they presented I realized why that date had seemed so important to me. It marked the day Taunya left this earth 8 yrs ago for a better place.

So I just wanted to put into words how I have recognized her absence and how I celebrate her life not just here but in the hereafter!
I hope someday her kids come to know what she knew and get that same peace that allowed her to go.

I love you Taunya! I miss you but I am glad that you now have the purpose you always searched for!
Love, Wendy

1 comment:

Karen said...

Wonderful Post! It is so important to Remember. Not only remember the imporant spiritual things but also those who have left this life.