Friday, April 9, 2010


Do you ever just feel like you have done all you can do... that you have exerted all the faith and effort you have and since no real answers or resolutions have come. You just exist. Do what you are suppose to and try not to be miserable because you feel no control over your situation.... The past few months this is how I have been feeling!
In our RS book group we read CS Lewis's Screwtape Letters and there is a comment made in the book that has stuck with me and I am living it's reality!! I do not have the book...but the jist of the statement is "let them think that this trial is almost to an end and then make it continue and when that happens they lose hope and we win." Something to that affect and that is how I feel about this "job" thing...
Waxing philosophical or just venting. :P You decide?!

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