Friday, January 6, 2012

Wow another New Year 2012

I am not really making any New Year Resolutions this year.
I am just going to try and do BETTER than last year in EVERYTHING!!!

I forsee so many changes in this coming year most are exciting and those are only the ones I know about.

Sierra graduates in May and sometime in the Fall will be leaving for college!
Mom will just have to get used to it and get a life! HA

These events have been formost in my mind lately. Being able to spend so much time together over the holidays has made me realize how much of my life is HER! and I know it will always be that way but I never thought I would have a hard time letting her go and grow up... but easy tears tell me differently.

In my Institute class on Tuesday we talked about what we have learned and could share to help us in the New Year. (I posted it on Facebook as my status 1 day) Anyway 1 of the comments was to ENJOY the MOMENT...LIVE IN THE NOW So that is what I am going to do this year :D

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