2. The inside of your fridge:
The outside first... mostly church handouts and quotes I want to remember. appointment reminders,School schedule, and Grocery List.


3. Your favorite pair of shoes... I mostly run around bare foot in the warm seasons but when I have to grab some shoes, I grab these sandals.

4. Your closet: I start each morning out picking up the stuff I have thrown in my closet the night before... but if I don't get to it then it goes back on the floor until the next time I have to get up... It's a cycle that I keep repeating and never complete!

5. Your laundry pile:The darks are done, and the colors and the whites are next!

6. What is your kid doing right now: Swimming in our pool!

7. Favorite room in the house: the LIVING room, because that is where we are most of the time doing stuff as a family. It is also where I keep my computer; my connection to family and friends!

8. The toilet: Clean but no one wants to see inside of the toilet.

9.Fantasy Vacation: Hawaii I hear Kauai is a nice place to visit!

Alaska on a Cruise

10. Self portrait: Sorry if I scare you! It was a hot day, so my hair is clipped up!

I TAG Sue, Heather, Michelle, Meladie, Heather D, Melanie and Melissa.... Who ever else is brave enough to do it! Thanks for the FUN TAG!
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