Sierra feels the baby move during a visit from Taunya April 1996.
Taunya was always so EXCITED when she found out she was pregnant and couldn't wait to share the news!
Sierra and I went over to Taunya's to meet her new baby girl,
Nicole Marie July 1996
Nicole was blessed in August of 1996. I believe Grandpa Haag gave her a name and a blessing. I have pictures of the family at my apartment but no pictures of the actual day.
Vickie and Lauren Michelle come to CO to visit and meet the new baby.
Vickie couldn't wait to come over and see the new baby!
Taunya had professional pictures taken,1996 I think for Christmas.
Dennis and Cindy were married in Dec 1996 and we were all there.
I don't have any pictures.
I don't have any pictures.
I can do it all by myself Sierra...
In 1997 Taunya and her family moved to Virginia Beach VA. She had her 2nd child while living there. Erin was born in August of 1997, shortly after that they moved back to Colorado.
Erin was blessed Sept 28 1997. Taunya, Nicole and Erin.
To help Taunya out and to save some money Taunya started watching Sierra.
On the back of this picture in Taunya's hand writing it says Sierra 3, Nicole 17 months and Erin 4 months Dec 97.
On the back of this picture in Taunya's hand writing it says Sierra 3, Nicole 17 months and Erin 4 months Dec 97.
They were outside in the yard on a warm December day picking dandelions.
A picture Taunya gave me of her 2 girls in Christmas dresses Her letter says Nicole is 16 months and Erin is 3 months taken Dec 5, 1997.
After Taunya moved back to Colorado. I believe she and her little family then moved to UT where she had her 3rd child, Richard in Oct 1998.
This is a picture she sent me in a letter. On the back it says Nicole 2 1/2 yrs Erin 14 months and Richard 1 month. They shortly moved back to Colorado but I am not sure when.
Taunya always had a habit of popping over for a visit. The whole family came over so we could meet the newest addition, Richard. Feb. 7, 1999.
Taunya wanted Nicole to pose for a picture with Sierra, Nicole did not want to but was forced. If you can't tell she is not happy about it...
Sierra found the whole thing quite amusing!!!
Erin on the other hand had no trouble smiling :D
Susan and TJ got married in March and the whole family gathered to celebrate.
Dennis with Richard March 6, 1999.
Sierra and I went to Utah for a Summer visit.
We were able to get a family picture of all the siblings
July 12, 1999
July12, 1999.
Nicole, Richard and Sierra
Nicole and Richard Summer July 1999 visiting aunt Paula.
Baby sitting baby Richard Sept 1999. Uncle Doug makes a fun chair while watching cartoons with Sierra.
Uncle Doug teaches Richard the fine art of seperating hamburger and putting it in ziplock bags to freeze.
Uncle Doug and Richard take a nap together...
Cute little Richard comes by for a visit Jan 2000
Uncle Allan was in town on business and he and a co-worker came by to visit and we fed them. I believe Taunya came over with her kids to visit also...
Taunya stopped by for a visit. May 30, 2000
Richard wanted to share the chair with his Mom.
June 5, 2000 everything changed.
Taunya was diagnosed with Luekemia.
June 7, 2000 Taunya can not be treated the way she needs to be because she is pregnant we hold a family fast and ask Heavenly Father that if it is His will that Danica be returned home so that Taunya can be treated and be here to raise her little family. It was His will.
June 8, 2000 Taunya loses her baby girl, Danica
June 9, 2000 Taunya is put into a medicated coma and begins aggressive treatment of her cancer.
Dennis and Vickie flew to Colorado and we were all hoping she would wake up but she didn't it was so hard waiting...
Finally on June 16, 2000 Taunya AWAKENS from her coma.
with Richard
with Erin and Nicole
Taunya with her children July 16, 2000

July 3, 2000 Sierra visits Taunya when they moved her to another building while she undergoes chemotherapy...
Mom stayed to keep Taunya company and help her learn to take care of herself.
Sierra and I took Mom home and stayed to visit in Utah for a while.
Paula decided she wanted to see Taunya and introduce her to her new baby girls, Alaynna and Shalisa... so she and her kids caravaned to Colorado with us to visit.
Nicole, Trenton and Erin wait to see Taunya...
Richard, Marsadie, Nicole and Trenton waiting....
When the nurse saw all the kids, 8 total! She freaked!
Taunya told her "Well suit me up then, because I AM SEEING MY KIDS!!!!"
We were able to celebrate Nicole's 4th birthday while her cousins were visiting.
This is my quinton line. Because I had small veins and would've freaked out if I had to sit with needles in my arms for 4 hrs. They put a knitting size needle into my heart and drew blood from that. One tube collected the cells and the other gave me back my blood.
The Aphresis machine that seperated my white cells to give to Taunya and gave me back my my blood. It took 4 hrs and I watched movies.
It was nice to have my Mom there with me!
Taunya and Wendy. Because her body would fight my cells her immune system had to be supressed so she got to sleep when they gave her my cells.
Vickie and Paula came as soon as they could to support us.
Jesse with Richard at the hospital.
Vickie and Jesse help Richard, Nicole and Erin wash their hands so they can see their Mommy
The kids were THRILLED to get to spend some time with their Mom!
Erin, Richard and Nicole with Taunya
Because Taunya's body was working so hard to fight the new cells her immune system was weak and the doctors did not want to risk her getting something from her kids. So for almost 100 days she couldn't be around them. So Vickie, Jesse and Paula took the kids to Utah to stay until she could.
Grandma reading the kids a bed time story
Mom stayed in Colorado to help Taunya and keep her company
Erin and Nicole playing while everybody packs.
Richard "Cheese"
The kids all ready to go to Utah
In October we went to California for Dennis' son, Davis's baby blessing.
Stretching our legs at the Boneville Salt Flats.
Nicole, Trenton, Erin, Sierra, Uncle Allan, Lauren Haley and Marsadie
Nicole wakes up to take a break
We went to the Beach and it was windy. Erin and Nicole did not like the sand in their sandwiches.
Sunday Oct 1, 2000 Davis was blessed and we came home
and took family pictures. Nicole, Richard and Erin
Grandpa and Grandma Haag and Dennis with all the Grand kids.
Marsadie, Nicole, Trenton, Richard, Erin, Davis, Hannah, Alaynna, Lauren Haley, Sierra, Shalisa, Lauren Michelle, Adam and Emma
Trenton, Lauren Michelle, Sierra, Lauren Haley and Nicole
You will have to check with aunt Vickie and Paula for pictures from your time in Utah. I believe your Mom went to Utah for Christmas 2000 and you all stayed with your grandparents.
Taunya with her kids at a playground near their apartment May 8, 2001
Taunya and her kids all ready for church May 2000
Taunya brought Erin and Richard over to swim May 2001
On June 8, 2001 Taunya called and wanted to take flowers to Danica. Taunya had been in a medicated coma when she lost Danica and it took her a year to recover and mourn her loss.
Taunya with Richard and Erin at the statue of Jesus with the children near Danica's grave.
Sierra and Richard and Erin June 8, 2001
Sierra had a neighbor friend and her cousins over to celebrate her 7th Birthday. Taunya and the kids gave her a huge stuffed Scooby Doo!!!
In July Taunya's Leukemia came back and she was back in the hospital.
Taunya called me and said someone had left gifts for the kids could I come down and bring them! SHE REALLY WANTED TO SEE HER KIDS!!!!
July 19, 2001
Taunya reading with Nicole.
Taunya with Erin
Taunya reads to Richard
Taunya does piggies with Richard
What these pictures don't show and Taunya was careful not to let her kids see how much pain she was in...
What these pictures don't show and Taunya was careful not to let her kids see how much pain she was in...
Taunya was in and out of the hospital all Summer. In Sept they finally gave Taunya some more of my cells and she got graft verses host disease and then eventually pneumonia and Taunya's body couldn't fight anymore.
She passed away Sept 13, 2001
Taunya's kids the day of her funeral Sept 17, 2001
Richard is 2 1/2, Nicole is 5 and Erin is 4.
They gave some of their Mom's flowers to Danica.
After her death I wanted to help and eventually I took turns watching the kids. When we had them they were part of our family.
Sept 2001
Nicole, Erin, Sierra and Richard playing LIFE
Richard, Nicole, Erin and Sierra playing
Sierra and Richard
We walked down to the school to play on the equipment
whenever it was a nice day
October 2001
Uncle Doug gave everyone a horsey ride
Richard, Erin, Sierra and Nicole
October 20, 2001
picking out pumpkins at the pumpkin farm.
Doug helps Richard pick a Richard size pumpkin.
We helped Richard celebrate his 3rd birthday
Richard opens his presents
Richard plays with his new fort
October 25, 2001 Playing in the leaves
Everyone gets a hand full of leaves
The mail man FINALLY came and brought aunt Vickie's birthday presents
Uncle Doug did lots of FUN things with the kids.... he made them Pajama's and funny hats, and they made cookies and cup cakes and other yummy things. He let them help him cook and clean and he was a SUPER mentor for the kids.
After Taunya died and the kids would come to stay with us. We would talk about her and sing her song Angel's Lullaby from "My Turn on Earth" and we would cry and miss her!!!
The first couple of months this was a regular occurance.
We went to Sears to trade in some tools and we had to check out the tractors. Richard, Erin, Nicole and Sierra.
Nicole, Richard and Erin
Richard enjoys having some SPACE all to himself
Nicole hides from the camera
"Cheese" Richard, Nicole and Erin
Erin makes a pouty face... Richard thinks that is funny
Everyone makes a pouty face for Sierra
Richard fell alseep on the toy hamper waiting for the girls
to get ready to go outside.
October 27, 2001 All dressed up for Trunk-or-Treat at the church.
The kids playing DRESS UP Nov 2001
I wish I had a better picture of this. Uncle Doug helps Richard bowl...I am guessing this was Thanksgiving day 2001.
Nicole, Erin and Richard with Santa
in our neighborhood Dec 7, 2001
Aunt Susan bought a Christmas Tree to put on Taunya's grave. The kids wanted to decorate it.
Aunt Wendy helping the kids make decorations
and notes to mommy for the tree.
( Uncle Doug sewing Pjs)
Taunya's "Angel Tree" all decorated for her.
On our way to get flowers for Taunya we stopped and had some FUN
Richard and Erin Dec 21, 2001
We put fake poinsetta flowers and her angel tree on her grave and I took a picture. but because they throw out everything when they mow. We just left the flowers and took the tree home and every year I take it to her grave and decorate it and take a picture and then bring it home for the next year.

Richard and Uncle Doug hang out after Dinner
Nicole and Erin decorating the Christmas tree Dec 12, 2001
Sierra steadies Erin so she can put ornaments on the side of the tree.
Richard looks on.
Sierra helps Richard decorate the tree
Nicole waiting to go to Utah to spend Christmas with her cousins.
December 24th 2001
Erin with her gifts waiting...
Richard must have been sleeping ...
My parents brought the kids back from Utah Dec 29th, 2001
and stayed a few days to visit.
Sierra and I waited up for them...everyone was so tired the night they came in but it was nice to hug and kiss the kids and have them with us again.
We really missed them!
Erin wanted to vacuum
The girls went back to school Jan 7, 2002
Sierra would pick up Nicole and meet me at the car.
Sierra helps Nicole with some homework and Richard has a snack.
Aunt Wendy we look CUTE
take our picture PLEASE!!!
Erin, Nicole, Richard and Sierra . We went out for treats because Sierra and Nicole got good grades :) Jan 2002
Cheering the USA on in the Olympics!!! Feb 2002
Richard, Erin, Nicole and Sierra playing dress up and putting on plays.
Feb 2002
Erin, Nicole and Richard enjoying the snow. Feb 2002
Doug talks to the kids about a question they asked. March 2002
Nicole loses her first tooth...March 2002

Photo op at Safeways March 2002
Erin and Nicole wanted pony tails April 2002
"CHEESE" Sierra and Nicole April 2002
Richard wanted to mop!! April 2002
I think this is Mother's Day
May 2002
The 11 kids I took care of so my sister Paula could go to
Girls Camp July 2002
Adam, Richard and Nicole in the TV room July 2002
Richard, Erin and Nicole with the pictures of their Mom aunt Vickie made for them Summer 2002
1 comment:
Beautifully done! The only regret that I have so far in life... is never going to visit her. (tears)
I hope that she has forgiven me for that.
I believe I have the Christmas pictures in Utah. If I do I'll post them shortly.
I love you and all of my family. Family is NEVER enough!
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