Friday, October 26, 2012

Visiting our Girl at College

So I wanted to post this...back in Sept when we went but time gets away from me to quickly when I have to watch the clock to make sure I have time to do everything I have to before work!

 Labor Day we loaded up Doug's parents and drove up to CSU to visit our girl! I was so EXCITED!!!

It was a Beautiful day!

The view from her front walk
 The Recreation Center is just across the field from her dorm

Sierra leads the way to her room

We were going to go see where her classes were
but Grandma's legs did not feel like walking 
     so we didn't...another time perhaps
 She promised to take pictures

 this is the direction she walks to go to class
The door to her room
Sierra puts up random historical facts  and famous birthdays
just for FUN

I wanted to see what she had in her fridge

Doug surprised her by making her Grandma's potatoes
 2 trays full, 1 ready to eat and 1 frozen.
She had told us she missed homemade food!

Sierra gave us the TOUR of her dorm
This is the kitchen
Posing with Grandpa andGrandma

 Then we went to the Ram's Horn for lunch
 it is right next door to her dorm

Sierra checks her mail in the lobby
 On the main Floor is the Sports Grill
Good for FAST food to go
 Up stairs is the main eating area, it reminds me of Chuck a rama or Ponderosa. ALL these different stations to choose from.
 Like a mini food court.

Salad bar and raw fruit and veggies
Beverage Station
Depending on the day they have all the cultural foods and staple home meals.
 The day we went they had roast beef, mashed potatoes and corn
Pizza is always available,as is italian, and mexican.
 The view from our table, Sierra's dorm

A cool piece of art made with bent utensils

 Eat well station. I just liked the decore.

I like their restroom signs

Leaving upstairs

 The dish return

As we were taking the back stairs we saw this
 Love this close up!

This is the store where they can use their left over meals to purchase
 food items before the deadline each week.
Close up of their cool candy case

Resting and visiting

 Doug and Sierra

Sierra takes our picture
 We walked back to her dorm and then she walked us out
 and we said goodbye!


Mama Bear said...

I was wondering where they ate after seeing how tiny her frig was. LOL
So do they have food vouchers or does she have a job? That makes it nice when everything is walking distance but I hope the field is well lit when walking to and from the Recreation Center. I wasn't very smart walking at night... a lot of things 'could have' happened but I'm glad they didn't.

Did you cry? I still can't believe that she's in college. Hey, I was at Vic's when she Skyped with Shelly, does Sierra have the option to Skype or a computer?

All the Angles said...

Part of her scholarship included housing and food. She has vouchers.
They usually go as a group if it is at night :)
I get weepy every time she goes come home and goes back to school.
But since she calls daily I can cope.
Dennis got me a camera. I need to get it hooked up. Maybe when Sierra comes home for Thanksgiving break. We had it hooked up from her other computer but unhooked it when she left for school. Her new computer has a camera built in.